Reviewing your current NDIS plan to make changes which more accurately reflect you now.
NDIS Review
You can review your NDIS plan after 12 months of your first plan. When you are reviewing your plan it is important to think about your life now and what supports have worked for you and what have not. The review is there for you to change your plan if necessary. Identify supports which you now need and what you do not. It is your NDIS plan so it is vital it works for you.
Review Of Supports
We can work with you to identify your strengths, interests, opportunities and challenges which you have faced with your current plan. If your goals remain the same but your supports are not helping you reach your goals we can support you to access supports which help you achieve your goals.
Review Of Goals
If your goals have changed it is important that you record them so you are prepared for your NDIS plan review with the NDIA. Thinking about your goals and how you want to achieve them can be difficult. We can support you with this and ensure that you review your plan to get what you want.
The video below explains your NDIS pathway and the review process:
To find out more information about NDIS review please contact us. Or visit
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